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Devotions written by our staff members to deepen your walk in faith.



Warning. I’m angry and I’m not hiding it. I know that as pastors, we are to be seen as controlled, mellow, and able to harness our...

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To piggy back off of Alex’s devotional about the importance of sleep in relation to our mental health, I want to talk about the importance of breath...

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What Should I Be Doing?

What Should I Be Doing?

From almost the moment we all unwillingly stepped into the unknowns that the COVID-19 pandemic brought into our lives, I have been struggling with...

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Keep Alert

Keep Alert

Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.  I Corinthians 16:13 Paul is wrapping...

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What Dreams May Come

What Dreams May Come

Then Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was hurriedly brought out of the dungeon. When he had shaved himself and changed his clothes, he came in before...

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Be Contagious

Be Contagious

Ellen and I have been watching ESPN’s The Last Dance about the ‘97/’98 Bulls team and all the storyline surrounding them.  It is an amazing...

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A Symbol of Hope

A Symbol of Hope

For the last six weeks, I have been spending my late evenings watching archive footage of lectures given by Joseph Campbell. Joseph Campbell was an...

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Grow, Like the Roses

Grow, Like the Roses

While stuck at home these past few weeks, my husband, Eric, and I have enjoyed watching Schitt’s Creek on Netflix. It follows the (mis)adventures of...

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