Choose Love. Be the Light. Change the World.
Welcome to
First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights
Worship with Us
Join us for uplifting worship Sunday morning. We offer two services:
9 am Modern Worship in the Chapel
10:30 am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
Both services are livestreamed and video of the sermon will be posted on the website as soon as possible following the service.
Stand & Serve with Us
We hold fast to the truth that all of us are beloved children of God. We seek to listen, learn, and act in partnership with the people that welcome us to their communities.
Learn & Play
with Us
We’ve got programs for infants through retirees and everyone in between.
Mark Your Calendars!
Don’t miss these exciting upcoming events. Click the button below to see our full church calendar.
Church News
Thank You for All the Clean-Up Work
We have been busy bees here at First Pres. If you have a chance, go downstairs and see our Kitchen and the PADS area! Thanks to Carolyn Selke, we have completed a reorganizing and deep cleaning of the kitchen. You won’t believe how good it looks! The first phase of...
Our first quarter bookmarks will go to the support of Dia Nuevo, a Spanish speaking new worshipping community of the Chicago Presbytery in Hanover Park. Dia Nuevo is comprised of first generation immigrants from Colombia, Venezuela and Guatemala. Their pastor began to...
Blanket Drive
On our cold nights in January and February, it is wonderful to have a warm house and a cozy blanket to wrap yourself in. Not everyone is lucky enough to have that warmth and comfort. During the months of January and February, PW will be collecting for the Blanket...
Chimes, February 2025
Discover the Book of James
February is Black History Month Discover the Book of JamesCongregational Life and Education Committee (CLE) James is a novel by author Percival Everett published by Doubleday in 2024. The novel is a re-imagining of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain but told...
Christopher House Thank You
Thank You for Donating to Help Christopher House! Your donations enabled us to adopt 35 families for the holidays. We also received twenty-seven $25.00 food gift cards for other families to receive on Christmas Day. What a blessing for so many during the holiday...
Borrow from Mary & Martha for Holiday Entertaining!
Don’t Buy… Borrow from Mary and Martha’s Lending Closet for your holiday gatherings! Perhaps you keep seeing signs or reminders about Mary and Martha’s Lending Closet and you are wondering what it is all about. Mary and Martha’s Lending Closet started in the fall of...
Help at Family Night
Family Night is off to a great start. This year, we could use additional help, with donations of money, food and time. How can you help out Family Night? SPONSOR A FAMILY NIGHT DINNEROn Wednesday night, eighty to one hundred people gather for dinner, fellowship and...
Messiah Sing-Along