Our Staff

Laura Sherwood
Interim Senior Pastor
Rev. Laura Sherwood has been working as an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA) since July 2000 with a Master of Divinity from McCormick Theological Seminary. Rev. Sherwood, often known as Pastor Laura or “PL” for short, has worked with churches in various kinds of transition in rural, small town, urban, and campus settings in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Since 2013, she has also served as faculty for PC (USA) Interim training sites at Union Seminary in Richmond, VA and in the Synods of Mid-America and Lincoln Trails partnership (MALT). Pastor Laura joined the Arlington Heights congregation in March 2023. In addition to pastoral care, her role will include working with the Session to explore how the Church can faithfully respond to a changing cultural context and discern what is needed for the next installed Associate Pastor role.

Barbara Gorsky
Interim Associate Pastor
Rev. Barbara Gorsky served as a solo pastor at Elk Grove Presbyterian Church the past five years, and before this call in ministry, she provided short term work in several churches including here at First Pres as an Interim Associate of Pastoral Care.
She is presently serving as the Moderator of the Presbytery of Chicago and in the past has served as the Moderator of the Commission on Ministry (COM) and as a member of Committee on Preparation for Ministry.
She holds an MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Columbia Theological Seminary with an emphasis in Christian Spirituality. Part of her Doctoral work included becoming a Spiritual Director.

Rebekah Anderson
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth and Families
Rev. Rebekah Anderson is grateful to be part of the community and ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights. She is passionate about ministry with people of all ages and believes in the power of connection and compassionate listening to transform people and create the Kingdom of God on earth. As Director of Children and Youth Ministries, Rebekah loves cultivating a sense of community through storytelling, service, art, games, and faith formation that carefully considers what it means to live out our faith with integrity in a world that is constantly evolving. Rebekah completed her bachelor’s degree in religious studies and psychology at Stetson University and earned a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. Before joining the staff at Arlington Heights in August of 2023, Rebekah served as associate pastor at the Presbyterian Church of Okemos in Okemos, Michigan.

Adam Hendrickson
Director of Music and Worship
Adam Hendrickson joined the First Pres staff in May 2012. Adam leads music in worship and coordinates the overall music program of the church. He provides direction, oversight, resources, and support to the church’s music ministry, including adults, youth and children, traditional and contemporary worship, and both choral and instrumental music. Adam earned a bachelor’s of music degree at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, and a master’s of music at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Adam has earned multiple vocal honors and has performed in venues ranging from House of Blues in Chicago to Carnegie Hall in New York City. Adam finds that, “When people come together to worship and make music together, I am surrounded by pure joy. It’s a wonderful sense of community.” He believes music can have a profound impact on youth and the entire congregation. Adam likes spicy food and sour candy. Adam is married and has a daughter.

Christopher Urban
Associate Director of Music and Organist
Chris has served as associate director of music and organist at First Presbyterian Church since April 2001. Chris provides musical leadership from the organ for worship services. In addition, Chris serves as accompanist for the choirs of First Pres, including the Chancel Choir, Chamber Singers, and Men’s Chorus. He is also a featured recitalist in the church’s Wednesdays @ Noon concert series and is a frequent recitalist at churches in the Chicagoland area. Prior to joining First Presbyterian, Chris served as associate organist at First United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Indiana. He also served as organist and choir director of Crafton United Methodist Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Chris studied organ with Marilyn Keiser and William Evans and is a graduate of Indiana University.

Nick Pulikowski
Director of Handbells and Children's Choirs
Nick Pulikowski began singing in the choirs of FPCAH in 2013 as the tenor section leader and occasional soloist. In 2016 he started as director of our Children’s Choir and in 2017 he added the Handbell Choir to his responsibilities. Nick studied music education and vocal performance at Northwestern University where he earned a Bachelor of Music and he subsequently earned a Master of Music at Indiana University. He is a frequent vocal soloist among Chicagoland classical music, opera, and operetta ensembles and is a tenured professional member of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Chorus. Nick is teaching his 16th school year of private voice lessons currently in high school districts 87 and 205. He and his wife Daniella have two small children – both future singers in the church’s children’s choir!

Coleen Anzalone
Director of Parents' Day Out
Coleen Anzalone works closely with the PDO teaching staff to provide a safe, fun, and educational environment for the children. She also partners with other First Pres staff to continue to make Parents’ Day Out a wonderful outreach program of the church. Coleen served as a teacher at PDO for many years, and loves her role as director, which she began in 2016. She earned a BS in communications from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. After working in the staffing industry, she ran a daycare business in her home before she began working at Parents’ Day Out. At PDO, she has cared for babies, preschool-age children, andtoddlers. “It is most rewarding when a child who begins the PDO year with separation anxiety eventually enters the classroom, gives his or her PDO teacher a hug, waves good-bye to mom, and has a smile on his or her face.” Coleen is married and has two children.

Beth Johnson
Nursery Coordinator
Beth Johnson has been nursery coordinator since September 2004. Her job is to coordinate scheduling of both paid caregivers and volunteer helpers for worship services as well as a variety of church events. Beth’s job also entails sending cards to new parents and sending Bibles on baptism anniversary dates. Additionally, she has been a teacher for Parents’ Day Out at First Presbyterian since 1989.

Debbie Walter
Business Administrator
Debbie coordinates and manages the business affairs of the church, including office staff and workflow. She assists in the annual budget-development process and is responsible for all church accounting and financial recordkeeping and reporting. Debbie previously worked in the travel business for 20 years. She enjoys traveling, sports, and the outdoors. Debbie and her husband have three grown children.

Mary Fino
Senior Administrative Assistant
Mary Fino has worked for First Presbyterian Church since 2007. Mary’s many responsibilities include working on bulletins for worship services and funerals; updating attendance records in the church database, keeping the church’s online calendar and coordinating various schedules; compiling information for Session recordkeeping and reports; and assisting church committees and other staff members with many different kinds of projects.

Carol Vega
Administrative Assistant / Receptionist
Carol has many years of experience in business operations, including customer relations and administrative responsibilities. Her role at First Pres is to support the pastors, church staff, and members. She has a wide range of responsibilities, including reception duties, processing church bulletins and other publications, and helping with many other projects to assist the administration, programs, and ministries of First Pres.