Youth Group
Middle School Youth Group
Middle School YG (MSYG) meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00pm for light snacks, games and a lesson on: June 26, July 17, July 24, July 31, August 7, August 14, and August 21. The youth can either sit with their families, sit as a groups together, or interact with attendees younger and/or much older than themselves. It has a definite family feel. MSYG is then a time for just middle school (grades 6-8) youth and their adult leaders to gather for playing games, learning lessons about life, and listening to each other’s highs and lows for the week. Due to the large number of school districts represented by church membership and the Family Night ministry, our youth get to build relationships with youth they normally don’t get to see often.
2024 Middle School Mission Trip
The middle school mission trip to Indianapolis, Indiana will take place from June 16 to June 21. On this trip, we’ll work with homeless shelters, food banks and community centers to support people working on the front lines of organizations that alleviate poverty, hunger and homelessness in central Indiana. The all-inclusive cost is $450 per person. Scholarships are available.
One of the worksites visited frequently was the Salvation Army, where we worked with kids below the poverty line and helped them find their way to God. The other major worksite visited was Catholic Charities, where we organized chairs, tables, cribs, dishes, boxes and clothes for refugees. At Franciscans Kitchen, we prepared and delivered meals to the homeless and disabled. Usually, we would work from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Afternoon activities were always highly anticipated and were always fun. The first day, we took a pedestrian bridge across the Ohio river to get treats in Indiana. Tuesday, we went to Bernheim Forest, which is known for its forest giants. Wednesday, we visited the Kentucky Derby Museum where we met a winning horse of a Kentucky Derby. A highlight throughout the week was throwing Darl’s frisbees.
On the last day of the mission trip, the fire alarm went off and everybody rushed to the parking lot. In the end, it was a blessing because everyone stood outside and line danced in the parking lot. Even though the changes were unexpected, they made the week more interesting and fun.
High School Youth Group
HSYG (for grades 9-12) meets on Sunday evening from 6:00 to 8:00pm for light snacks, games and a lesson on: June 23, June 30, July 7, July 14, July 21, August 4, August 11, August 18. Here is a great place to grow in relationship with God and each other. Our high school youth ministry offers a wide range of programs and activities designed to engage youth right where they are and develop a faith that they can see in their everyday lives. Our program draws from at least seven different high schools in the area, bringing together teens from all over the northwest suburbs of Chicago. By the time they are graduating high school seniors, our high school youth will have been challenged in their faith, served others in mission, and made friendships that will last a lifetime.
2024 High School Mission Trip
The high school mission trip to Logan County, West Virginia will take place from July 27 to August 2. Please note that we’ll leave a day earlier than previously advertised to give us more travel time. On this trip, we’ll develop relationships with the community and serve alongside local organizations that serve the elderly and offer children’s programming. We’ll also aid in construction and repairs needed in their community such as painting, cleaning, yardwork and work projects. The all-inclusive cost is $450 per person. Scholarships are available.
CollegeCARE connects young adults
CollegeCARE is our ministry for college-age youth and their families. We are focused on continuing to grow relationships with God, the church, and each other. We connect through preparing and sending care packages; gatherings and activities over holiday and summer breaks; service projects and mission trips; and ongoing contact through social media and phone calls. All of this is designed to let the college youth know that while they may not frequently be physically at the church, they are still very much a part of it.