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Our Automatic Door Opener is at Door 9!

The church’s north entry doors (Door 9) now have a key card-enabled automatic opening door (courtesy of an anonymous donor). With your key card, you can simply swipe your card to simultaneously unlock and have the door open for you. It stays open about 15 seconds, then slowly closes. Access to the power door will follow your existing access schedule.

For anyone without a keycard who needs the power opener when the church is unlocked (Sunday am, weekdays during office hours, weddings/funerals, etc.), there is a specially-coded key fob hanging by the reader that can be swiped to open the door.

For questions about cards contact the team at [email protected].

Bringing the Hearing Impaired into the Loop

Thunder Hearing installed a hearing loop in the Sanctuary the first week of December. The wires were also installed in order to have a hearing loop in the Chapel when renovations are complete.
You might be asking – What is a hearing loop? The hearing loop is a series of wires that is currently running in figure eights throughout the Sanctuary. The wires are then integrated into our audio system. Hearing aids that are equipped with a small coil, known as a T-coil, pick up the magnetic field signal which is then amplified into a high quality audio signal delivered directly to the ear of the hearing aid user. The hearing loop is not only for those with hearing aids. Anyone who needs assistance in hearing more clearly can benefit from the hearing loop by the use of a receiver. Receivers are always available in the Narthex. If you would like to try a receiver, see an usher for assistance.

For those with any type of hearing loss, the availability of a hearing loop in places like the First Pres Sanctuary can be life-altering. Ingrid Kaufman shared her story of how the installation of the hearing loop is life altering for her.

“In the past, the echoes and background noise would make it impossible for me to hear much of the sermon,
especially end of sentences and punchlines. I would always ask Jim ‘what did he say?’ or ‘what is so funny?’.
I was not part of the experience. My previous tension and anxiety completely disappeared and once again, I felt
part of the congregation and community.”