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Global Partnerships

From across the US, the southern hemisphere, and across the world we partner to serve, bringing our Matthew 25 light wherever we go.

“Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

– Matthew 25:40

Frontera de Cristo and Café Justo

Café Justo is a Grower owned Coffee Cooperative based in southern Chiapas Mexico, formed to address the poverty and migration from Mexico to the U.S.A.

Based in the sister cities of Douglas, Arizona, and Agua Prieta, Sonora, Frontera de Cristo works to build relationships and understanding across borders.

People often see borders as nothing more than division, but at Frontera de Cristo we see a place of encounter. Discerning God’s will for us, we serve migrants and community members on both sides of the border.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events.

Dominican Republic Partnership

For more than 30 years, First Pres members have worked in partnership with our Dominican Republic brothers and sisters in two different locations. For the past 20+ years we have focused on the Gaspar Hernandez area. We have provided training, labor, and supplies for church construction and maintenance, water purification systems, medicine and health services, Christian education, English education, and women’s programs and crafts. We currently support a scholarship program that enables many young people and adults to attend high school, university, seminary, and medical and other professional schools.

Our Dominican partners now host their own medical clinics and education classes both for their own community as well as for immigrants from Haiti who have settled in remote villages. For more information on this mission, contact the church office.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

We have helped the Build Congo Schools efforts of the Congolese Presbyterian Church in partnership with churches in the Presbyterian Church (USA). We have helped to build, furnish, and supply many schools in Kasai and other areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Contact the church office with questions about First Pres outreach activities.