First Pres offers many ways for adults to interact and grow in relationship with one another as they grow in their faith. Whether it’s a Sunday morning Christian education class, a midweek Bible study or a meditation class, there’s something for everyone. We hope you will dive right in and get involved.
Scroll down to see class offerings, or check out the bible studies.

Wednesday Engage & Encounter
Revelation Bible Study
Wednesdays, January 22 through February 26
7:00 pm / Chapel / Mary Larson
Read the Bible backwards with us! As a follow-up to Mary Larson’s Reading the Bible with Joy course, she will be offering a small group style Bible study on Wednesday night’s on the Book of Revelation. Please join us as we discuss Breaking the Code (Revised Edition) by Bruce Metzger. The study goes through the entire Book of Revelation.
A description of Metzger’s book says, “The Book of Revelation contains passages of great beauty and comfort, as well as passages that strike the casual reader as bizarre, bewildering, and sometimes frightening. How are readers today to discern God’s message in this peculiar part of the Bible? Breaking the Code (Revised Edition) provides a trustworthy guide to the rich symbolism of this important biblical book. Noted biblical scholar, Bruce M. Metzger, presents the fruits of solid scholarship in a non-academic style. This revised edition includes updates based on current biblical research, as well as additional teaching from author and respected New Testament scholar, David deSilva.”
We highly encourage people to buy the book and prepare for the class each week. However, if you just want to jump in, you will be welcomed with open arms. The book is available through and Amazon for $11.99.
Please prayerfully consider joining us. We’re excited to traverse this study together.
Coffee: Grounds for Discussion and Service
Coffee Grounds is a member-led study group open to ALL adults, of ALL ages. Join us as we kick
off the new year and learn about plans for studies this winter and spring. Light snacks will be provided.
Sundays, January 12 – March 2
Invitation to the New Testament (A Short-Term Disciple
Bible Study)
Understand your identity in God’s vision for all things. Explore the writings of the New Testament using the story of Jesus as the starting point. This survey of the testament looks at how the early church took ownership of and was shaped by the story of Jesus and how the church learned how to develop as disciples and create communities of faith.
Participants find a deeper conversation with the writers of the New Testament and a renewal of our commitment to be shaped — personally and communally — by the story of Jesus. The study is accessible for adults with little prior Bible experience. In the weekly video segments, listen as scholars fascinate you with facts and information that opens new understanding and enlightenment for your group. In the second video, sit in on a table conversation between guest scholars and debate key issues in the text.
Participants gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the New Testament as an integral part of the Christian Bible and a renewed discovery of our identity in God and God’s vision for all things.
This eight-week study includes a participant book outlining daily reading assignments for group preparations, a leader guide suggesting discussion activities for use in the 60–90-minute weekly meeting, and a video component providing interpretation and context for the biblical texts.
- Jesus Calls Us Into God’s Redemption Story
- Jesus Calls Us to a Transformed Life
- Jesus Calls Us to Minister to a Hostile World
- Jesus Calls Us to Complex Communities of Faith
- Jesus Calls Us to Serve One Another
- Jesus Calls Us to a New Relationship With Tradition
- Jesus Calls Us to Live in Light of His Coming Again
- Jesus Calls Us to Experience the Gifts of His Dying & Rising
Questions about Coffee: Grounds for Discussion & Service? Contact Kelly Dean
Presbyterian Women
Tuesday, January 21 / 7pm / Parlor
Circle 7 will meet Tuesday, January 21, at 7:00 pm in the Parlor.
We will continue with Chapters 4 and 5 of our book study.

Monday Morning Men’s Bible Study
Mondays / 8:00 am / Parlor
Join the Monday Morning Men’s Bible Study Group! We meet every Monday at 8:00 am in person or via Zoom. If you are interested in joining the group or if you have questions, contact Dave Berkow at [email protected].
Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Educational Archives
We’ve held many classes through the years, some of which have been documented on video. Click the button below to look through our past classes and watch at your leisure.