Dear Members of First Pres,

Due to the pandemic, our Annual Meeting is going to be held via Zoom on Sunday, February 21st at 11:00am. In order to attend the meeting, you need to register by clicking this link:

Also, we want to provide you with all of the pertinent documents ahead of time so you can review them at your leisure:

  1. The bulletin (this includes membership milestones, memorials and the docket)
  2. The Annual Report
  3. White Paper on the motion to reduce the size of Session
  4. Financial/Statistical Supplement

There is a voting function within Zoom that will allow us to vote on the three motions (Session reduction, Pastor’s Terms of Call, Nominating Committee) that will come before the congregation. 

If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please don’t hesitate to ask. We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting!

Peace and blessings,

Pastor Alex

#1: The Bulletin

#2: The Annual Report

Click the fullscreen button to view optimally on your computer or digital device.

#3: White Paper on the motion to reduce the size of Session

#4: Financial/Statistical Supplement