Choose Love. Be the Light. Change the World.
Welcome to
First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights
Worship with Us
Join us for uplifting worship Sunday morning. We offer two services:
9 am Modern Worship in the Chapel
10:30 am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
Both services are livestreamed and video of the sermon will be posted on the website as soon as possible following the service.
Stand & Serve with Us
We hold fast to the truth that all of us are beloved children of God. We seek to listen, learn, and act in partnership with the people that welcome us to their communities.
Learn & Play
with Us
We’ve got programs for infants through retirees and everyone in between.
Lenten Worship Guide: Coming Back to Life
Starting in March, you can pick up copies of our Lenten devotional, Coming Back to Life, in the literature racks in the back of the Sanctuary or download a digital copy right here! In spring, after a long winter’s nap, an amazing thing happens: the world comes back to life!
This devotional is full of ideas and activities that can help us wake up, too, preparing our hearts, minds and communities for Easter’s great celebration. Each week, biblical texts and creation’s wonders inspire practices you can try yourself, with your family or friends.
So grab your favorite Bible and some candles (tealights work nicely!), and over the 40 days of Lent, week by week, we’ll look for treasures that can help bring us back to hope, back to love, back to life!

Spring Musical for Children Ages 4 to 10
Join us on Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16 and 23 to rehearse for the Children’s Spring Musical! Rehearsals for children ages 4 to 10 involving music, drama and artwork will take place from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the Sanctuary and CE Wing. Our rehearsals culminate with the musical on April 27, which will be performed in worship at 10:30 am. All are welcome!
REHEARSALS – Wednesdays, 6:30pm-8pm, 4/2 – 4/23
Participation in at least four Wednesday evenings is encouraged so children can learn their music and parts.
PERFORMANCE – Sunday, April 27th, 10:30am
COST – FREE for all First Pres family, friends and the community!
Mark Your Calendars!
Don’t miss these exciting upcoming events. Click the button below to see our full church calendar.
Church News
Donate Easter Flowers
It is still cold but Easter will be here before we know it. The first sign of spring is the sign up for Easter flowers on March 2 and March 9 in the Narthex. Help our church put on a fresh new spring look by supporting Presbyterian Women (PW) flower orders. PW members...
New Opportunity To Serve- Wedding/Funeral Guild
Please consider joining our newly created Wedding/Funeral Guild. Are you good at coordinating events? Do you like to connect with people during important times? Maybe, being a part of this guild is just right for you. If interested please contact Pastor Barbara.
Book Drive for Bernie’s Book Bank
Sundays, March 2 and 9, Aidan McLeod of Scout Troop 32 will be holding a book collection as part of his Eagle Scout Project. Bernie’s provides new and gently used children’s books for newborn babies through children in 6th grade to promote literacy and learning in...
God and Service Award
On Sunday, February 2, we celebrated Scout Sunday with Scout Troop 32. As part of the worship service, we recognized member and troop leader, Nick Lopuszynski who received the God and Service Award. The God and Service Award was designed to express appreciation for...
Restaurant Walk Returns!
Our popular Restaurant Walk fellowship program returns for another session in March and April. This is a great way to connect with other members of the congregation while enjoying a restaurant meal together. Restaurant: Bistro Chen (Chinese)10 E. Miner Street,...
Donate College Care Packages
As we continue our journey through this year, the Children’s and Youth Ministries Committee will be sending care packages to support our First Pres college students on their journey. If you’d like to donate treats or other items to include in the packages, we will be...
Thank You for All the Clean-Up Work
We have been busy bees here at First Pres. If you have a chance, go downstairs and see our Kitchen and the PADS area! Thanks to Carolyn Selke, we have completed a reorganizing and deep cleaning of the kitchen. You won’t believe how good it looks! The first phase of...
Thank You from refugeeONE!
Dear church family, thank you so much for your generous response in supporting our refugee family. Within a very short time, we were able to collect everything that we needed. In early January, we rented a truck and completely furnished an apartment for a family that...
40th Annual Organ Fest