FPC – Follow Up Survey

1) Strongly Disagree2) Disagree3) Tend to Disagree4) Tend to Agree5) Agree6) Strongly Agree
1. Converting persons to Christ must be the first step in creating a better society.
1) Strongly Disagree
2) Disagree
3) Tend to Disagree
4) Tend to Agree
5) Agree
6) Strongly Agree
2. Our congregation is committed to abide by the unchanging, historic faith as handed down through the centuries.
1) Strongly Disagree
2) Disagree
3) Tend to Disagree
4) Tend to Agree
5) Agree
6) Strongly Agree
3. Scripture is the literal Word of God without error, not only in matters of faith, but also in historical, geographical, and other secular matters.
1) Strongly Disagree
2) Disagree
3) Tend to Disagree
4) Tend to Agree
5) Agree
6) Strongly Agree
4. The main purpose of Christian education is to help people know what is in the Bible.
1) Strongly Disagree
2) Disagree
3) Tend to Disagree
4) Tend to Agree
5) Agree
6) Strongly Agree
1) Strongly Disagree2) Disagree3) Tend to Disagree4) Tend to Agree5) Agree6) Strongly Agree
5. I believe our church is open toward & welcoming / accepting of peoples from all walks of life.
1) Strongly Disagree
2) Disagree
3) Tend to Disagree
4) Tend to Agree
5) Agree
6) Strongly Agree
6. When I think about sermons & worship I generally appreciate a deep, thought-provoking message to grow my faith.
1) Strongly Disagree
2) Disagree
3) Tend to Disagree
4) Tend to Agree
5) Agree
6) Strongly Agree
7. When I think about sermons & worship I generally appreciate an uplifting message of renewal to recharge & feel God's love.
1) Strongly Disagree
2) Disagree
3) Tend to Disagree
4) Tend to Agree
5) Agree
6) Strongly Agree

8b. Please rank your choices with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 (with 1 being your top choice).