Congregational Mission Study 2024 – Session 2

  • Individuals – There are 3 Parts in this Session. Each part begins with either a scripture passage or a statement.  Read the scripture or statement at the beginning of each part and take a few moments in quiet reflection (30 seconds) before writing your responses to the subsequent question or questions.  Before moving on to the next Part, write any additional thoughts you may have under “Group Share/Notes.”
  • Couples/Families – There are 3 Parts in this Session. Each part begins with either a scripture passage or a statement. Read the scripture or statement at the beginning of each part – each person reading silently to themselves or one person reading aloud. Take a few moments in quiet reflection (30 seconds). Each person should fill in their own form with responses to the subsequent question or questions.  Consider sharing your responses with each other after each Part. Write any reflections from that sharing under “Group Share/Notes.”

Getting Started

  • Read the Opening Prayer (below) quietly or aloud.
  • Read the Mission Study Primary Purpose and Session 2 purpose (below). If you have any questions or comments – please write those on your form. If you’d like a personal response from the pastors, please include your name.

3 Parts for individual response using this fillable form – up to 30 minutes.

  • Read. Read the scripture or statement at the beginning of Part 1 – quietly or aloud.
  • Pause. Take a brief pause (30 seconds) to reflect on the reading.
  • Write. Type your responses to subsequent question or questions, following prompts on the page.  Each question or set of questions indicates recommended time for writing. (Set a timer for the indicated amount of time.)
  • Reflection – Individual – If you are doing this on your own, take  a few moments to read over your responses. Write any additional thoughts under “Group Share/Notes.”
  • Reflection – Couple or Family – If you are doing this with one or more people, take time for each person to share their responses. Write any additional thoughts you have under “Group Share/Notes.”

Repeat this process for the next 2 Parts.

Closing – 5 minutes

  • Be sure you have written all responses needed on your form.
  • Read the Closing Prayer (at end, after Part 3) quietly or aloud.
  • Submit your form. Thank you!

Mission Study Primary Purpose

To provide a process that will accurately reflect who we are as congregation – including who we have been, what is at the core of how we feel called to follow God in this time and place, and what we collectively envision for our next pastoral leadership.

Mission Study
Conversation Session 2 of 3

Purpose: To reflect on how we feel the congregation is called to follow God in this time and place, including how this calling has changed over time and what may be ahead.

Opening Prayer

God of Love,
You are with us in every transition and change.
As we enter into this new era with excitement and even some anxiety,
we recall your deep compassion, presence, and abounding love.
We thank you for the gifts, talents and skills with which you have blessed us.
We thank you for the experiences that have brought us to this moment.
We thank you for the work of others that gives breadth and depth to our own work.
Be with us as we move forward, rejoicing with you and supporting one another.
We ask this in your Holy Name. Amen.

–    Author Unknown

(If you would like a response from the pastors, please include your name above.)

Part 1: How God’s Spirit has been at work in the Church

God has revealed to us through the Spirit, for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For what human knows what is truly human except the human spirit that is within? So also no one comprehends what is truly God’s except the Spirit of God. (I Cor 2:10-11)

– Pause for a few moments with this scripture –

Response Prompts (5 minutes to write):

Question 1: Think of time when you felt a strong sense of God’s spirit working through this Church in a particular ministry, a program or class, an outreach or service project, or another activity/event. This could have been one instance or something offered on an on-going or regular basis.

Part 2 – How the Church connects with us and our community:

This section explores the ways we are connected with the Church and where we see the Church in connection with the surrounding Community. In summer 2024, all who are interested will be invited to participate in Community Learning Groups. These small groups will go out into our community to find out how our congregation is known, if it is at all. We will do this by asking questions and listening deeply to what our neighbors have to say – about the Church, the Community, and their own lives. We hope to learn about any differences between how we believe the Church is known in our community and how the community knows the Church; and where that learning might direct us.

– Pause for a few moments with this statement –

2-3 minutes to write

Part 3: How the Church follows God’s call

The Church is the body of Christ. Christ gives to the Church all the gifts necessary to be his body. The Church strives to demonstrate these gifts in its life as a community in the world (1 Cor. 12:27–28). The Church is to be a community of faith…a community of love…a community of hope…a community of witness. [Presbyterian Book of Order F-1.0301]

– Pause for a few moments with this statement from our Book of Order –

Question 3: As you think about the church now and over the next several years, how do you feel God’s spirit might be calling this congregation into deeper connection with:

Question 3 is focused on where you are sensing God’s call for the Church in the next few years. Try to resist any temptation to strategize or problem-solve.
2 minutes to write
2 minutes to write
2 minutes to write

Closing Prayer

Lead us on our journey from who we are to who you want us to be; so that patience is built into us, kindness is assumed in us, gentleness is part of us, compassion flows from us, truth is second nature to us, and the commitment of love is part of us. Let us go gladly on the journey towards your vision. Let us journey in the peace and power of the Spirit. In Christ we pray, amen.

From: ‘Lead us on our journey’ by Ruth Harvey