“Daddy, why is God a boy?” This was not exactly the angle I was going to take when starting this devotional, but my daughter asked me this question yesterday, and I feel compelled to honor what led her to the question. For the last two weeks, I have been talking...
And I’ll sing once more. I hope everyone was able to watch and enjoy Mary Poppins. Special shout out to one of the opening lines in the movie, “Though we adore men, individually, we agree that as a group, they’re rather stupid.” Preach! My love affair with...
June 14th is Music Appreciation Sunday, and I thought it might be kind of fun to use my devotionals over the next two weeks as a warm-up to my sermon on that Sunday. Today’s devotional is all about Mary Poppins. I love this movie. I love it! The story, the...
Speaking to each another has existed in one form or another for a very long time. There are even languages from ancient history that are lost to the sands of time. For the most part, singing is elevated speech. When words will not cut it, singing must step in to have...
To piggy back off of Alex’s devotional about the importance of sleep in relation to our mental health, I want to talk about the importance of breath (insert joke here). Duh, of course breathing is important! Seriously though, the quality of the breaths that we take is...
The 40th Annual Organ Fest is Sunday, February 16, at 4:00 pm. Join organists Michael Gagne, Marianne Kim, Christopher Urban and Gary Wendt as they
Event Details
The 40th Annual Organ Fest is Sunday, February 16, at 4:00 pm. Join organists Michael Gagne, Marianne Kim, Christopher Urban and Gary Wendt as they team up to provide another dynamic and inspiring organ concert. Always a popular event and one you won’t want to miss.
Sunday, February 16, 2025 4:00 pm 4:00pm(GMT-06:00)
First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights - The Sanctuary
Mark your calendars for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation immediately following the February 23 10:30 am worship service. Please plan to attend in person, as we need
Event Details
Mark your calendars for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation immediately following the February 23 10:30 am worship service. Please plan to attend in person, as we need a quorum of the congregation to conduct business.
Sunday, February 23, 2025 11:30 am 11:30am(GMT-06:00)
First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights - The Sanctuary