“Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honor.” John 12:26 It’s Holy Week. This is my 36th Holy Week in ministry. Of course, 2020 and 2021 have been a little strange with recording services a...
“Besides all this, between you and us a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who might want to pass from here to you cannot do so, . . .”Luke 16:26 There are many chasms in our lives – most of which we have created. In my opinion, the pandemic has opened even...
“So the rich man summoned his manager and said to him, “What is this that I hear about you? Give me an accounting of your management, because you cannot be my manager any longer.” -Luke 16:2 I only got in trouble in school twice in my entire 21 years of school...
The question for this week is “How does God want us to use our resources?” When I first read the question, I almost laughed out loud. I had just finished a spiritual direction session via Zoom and one of my most powerful insights during this Session was that I had...
“Or what woman having ten silver coins, if she loses one of them, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?” Luke 15: 8 It’s Saturday and if you have read the devotions throughout this week, you know the focus has been on lost...