Dear church family, thank you so much for your generous response in supporting our refugee family. Within a very short time, we were able to collect everything that we needed. In early January, we rented a truck and completely furnished an apartment for a family that has been in a refugee camp in Uganda since 2019, after fleeing violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Now they have a new home. A special thanks to Kim, John and Ben Nowak who found needed furniture and brought it to church. Kim Nowak and Kim Hogan spent an afternoon cleaning the apartment. Moving day volunteers include: Therese and Ben Haines, Carol and Kevin Kelley, Amy Lumsden, David Hogan and Jack Hempleman. Amy Hempleman also tracked down a lot of the decorative items that made the house much more homey. We are eternally grateful to all of them! Your commitment to helping those in need is a blessing.