Every year, RefugeeOne serves more than 2,500 refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants of all ages, ethnic groups faiths and backgrounds. Their primary focus is to assist these individuals in becoming independent and self- supporting members of their new Chicagoland community. RefugeeOne will be welcoming about 700 newcomers by the end of June, 2025, and they are in desperate need of teams to set up an apartment prior to a family’s arrival. In response to this, the Mission Committee has agreed to take on the apartment set up for a RefugeeOne family with a target date of early 2025. As many of you may recall, First Pres co-sponsored a family from Rwanda in 2022, with an immediate and generous response from the congregation.
Look for a giving tree in the Narthex during December with ornaments that list items needed for the apartment. Take an ornament and bring your item back to church by the end of December. In early 2025, we will be looking for help with food shopping and the actual set up once we’ve collected everything necessary for the new arrivals’ home. Questions? Contact Kim Hogan