Youth Sunday School
Youth at First Pres participate in Sunday school programs (10:30-11:30 am, September through May) tailored specifically for their age groups, including Y-Search for middle school students in grades 6-7; Confirmation for grade 8; and High School Sunday School for grades 9-12.

Y-Search (grades 6-7)
In Y-Search (Sundays, 10:30-11:30 am), middle school youth grow in faith by exploring the Bible, being led in discussion, and asking questions. This helps them to learn about who they are, who God is, and how to live faithfully in the world.
Confirmation (grade 8)

The eighth grade Confirmation class culminates every year on Celebration Sunday, a special time to celebrate how far our eighth grade youth have come in their faith journeys and to encourage them to continue walking this path of faith exploration and development.
After eighth grade, youth have the opportunity to choose to continue along in the Discipleship program, which extends into high school and leads to church membership, if so desired.

High School Sunday School (grades 9-12)
Every Sunday (10:30-11:30 am), our high school youth gather in the High School Lounge for food, prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. Together, they look at how the Bible, their faith, and God connect with their daily lives.