Our Organ

How Great Thou Art
Holy Holy Holy
Fairest Lord Jesus
About the Instrument
Our pipe organ is an Instrument of tonal beauty and flexibility representing the finest development in tonal design. It was constructed by the Schantz Organ Company of Orrville, Ohio in 1972. This company is known nationally for its custom building of high-quality pipe organs since 1873. Since its installation, several tonal additions have been made: Festival Trumpet (Reuter 2005), 9 Digital Stops (Walker Technical Company 2005 & 2009), Vox Humana (Austin 2008), Diapason (Erickson Christian and Associates 2011), Great Reeds (2016). In addition, the console for the organ was made movable in 2021.
The organ consists of four divisions. The Great and Pedal organs are exposed. The Swell and Choir organs are enclosed under expression. There are forty-three ranks totaling 2,391 pipes and 9 digital voices. The large metal pipes are made of annealed zinc for strength and light weight. The remaining metal pipes are an alloy of tin and lead – tin for strength and lead for pliability. This spotted metal produces desirable overtones. The Holzgedackt and Bourdon ranks are made of wood.
The three-manual, English draw-knob console has English ivory keys with tracker touch. The Deagan Chimes are incorporated in the total tonal scheme.
Great II | Choir I | Swell III | Pedal |
16′ Pommer 8′ Principal 8′ Rohr Flute 4′ Octave 4′ Nacht Horn 2′ Super Octave IV Fourniture 16’ Posaune 8’ Trumpet 8’ Festival Trumpet 4’ Clarion Chimes Tremulant Gt to Gt 16 Gt Unison Off Gt to Gt 4 |
16′ Gamba 8′ Gamba 8′ Gamba Celeste 8′ Flauto Dolce 8′ Flute Celeste 8′ Holzgedackt 4′ Koppel Flute 2 2/3′ Nasard 2′ Principal 1 3/5′ Tierce 1 1/3′ Quint 8′ Festival Trumpet 8′ Krummhorn 4′ Rohr Schalmei Harp Tremulant Ch to Ch 16 Ch Unison Off Ch to Ch 4 |
16′ Lieblich Gedackt 8′ Diapason 8′ Hohl Flute 8′ Viola 8′ Viola Celeste 4′ Principal 4′ Harmonic Flute 2′ Gemshorn IV Plein Jeu 16′ Contre Trompette 8′ Trompette 8′ Oboe 8′ English Horn 8′ Vox Humana 4′ Clarion Tremulant Sw to Sw 16 Swell Unison Off Sw to Sw 4 |
32′ Resultant 32′ Bourdon 16′ Principal 16′ Pommer (GT) 16′ Bourdon 16′ Gamba (CH) 16′ Lieblich Gedackt (SW) 8′ Flute 8′ Octave 8′ Pommer (GT) 8′ Gedackt (SW) 4′ Choral Bass 4′ Nacht Horn III Mixture 32′ Bombarde 16′ Posaune 16′ Contre Trompette (SW) 8′ Posaune 8′ Trompette (SW) 8′ Festival Trumpet 4′ Clarion (SW) |