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Men’s Chorus

Come and contribute to the rich sound of our Men’s Chorus! Rehearsals are held the first third Thursday of the month, 6:30-7:00 pm, in the Choir Auditorium, preceding the Chancel Choir rehearsal. Men’s Chorus participates in the Christmas and spring concerts. The ability to read music is a plus, but not required.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is the foundation of the music program at First Pres, made up of a large and dedicated group of singers. This group provides leadership during worship as well as offering a Christmas and Spring Choral Concert with orchestra each year. Rehearsals are held Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, in the Choir Auditorium. The ability to read music is a plus, but not required.  Fun, fellowship, and family is what this choir is all about.

Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir is open to children in kindergarten through fifth grade (exceptions to include older children can be made) and is directed by Nick Pulikowski, First Pres Choral Scholar and professional singer and music educator. The choir meets Wednesdays, from 6:30-7:00 in the Sanctuary. For more info contact Nick Pulikowski

Compass Worship Band

Compass is the worship band for finding grace, the modern worship service, at 9:00 am in the Chapel. The team may include vocalists and musicians on a variety of instruments (guitar, piano, drums, etc.). Musical experience is required; however, training and mentoring are available.

Instrumental Ensembles

Chancel Handbell Choir

The Chancel Handbell Choir rings several times during the year in worship. Persons interested in this group should have music reading skill and be able to follow a line of music; however, previous ringing experience is not necessary. Rehearsals are held regularly on selected Thursdays, 5:30-6:30 pm, in the Bell Choir Room. For more info contact Nick Pulikowski

First Pres Strings

Currently a quartet comprised of violin, viola, and cello. First Pres Strings provides prelude music and sometimes accompanies the choir. In addition, they also do some outreach in the community. Opportunities for growth are available if new players are interested in joining this group. Please contact ChrisUrban for more details.

First Pres Brass

First Pres Brass performs music for organ, brass, and timpani in our worship services. New players are always welcome. They participate in worship about once every six weeks. Rehearsals are as needed.

Youth Handbell Choir

Youth Handbell Choir is open to youth sixth through twelfth grade. The group plays 6-8 times a year at 10:30 am worship. Music reading ability is helpful but not required. The choir meets Sundays, from 5:00-5:45 pm in the Bell Choir Room. For more info contact Chris Urban.

Other Instrumentalists

Members who play musical instruments are encouraged to share their talents and gifts in worship.