Sunday School & Nursery
All-ages Summer Sunday School
We cannot wait for Summer Sunday School to begin! This summer we will have an all-ages Sunday School from 10:00
to 11:00 am that is open to any children and youth. We’ll be working together in the Loaves and Fishes Garden, learning
Bible stories and playing games. All-ages Sunday School will begin by meeting in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 am before going to the Loaves and Fishes Garden (weather permitting). In cases of inclement weather, we will remain in Fellowship Hall. We hope you can join us for a great summer! Meets on the following dates:
• June 9 (Volunteer Appreciation Brunch Preparation)
• June 16
• June 30
• July 7
• July 21
• August 4
• August 18
No Sunday School on the following dates
• March 23
• April 13
• April 20
• April 27
Nursery Care
Nursery care is available for children from infants through age 2 during all worship services on Sunday morning. Professional staff and dedicated volunteers provide a loving, nurturing environment so that parents may attend the worship service of their choice. Age-appropriate toys, books, and activities are always available so that children can have a positive experience while in our care. Child care is provided in the Blue Room on the main level of the Christian Education Wing.

Preschool Sunday School
Three- and four-year-old preschoolers are in for a treat when they participate in Preschool Sunday School. Bible stories come alive through games, activities, and songs geared specifically for a preschool audience. Play is an integral part of their experience, and we make time for free play each Sunday. Preschool Sunday School meets from 10:30-11:30am during the program year (September – May) in the Green Room (main level, Christian Education Wing). Parents may drop their children off beginning at 10:20am.
K-5th Grade Sunday School
Our innovative Sunday School curriculum for children in kindergarten through fifth grade challenges our children to explore how Bible stories relate, in new and relevant ways, to their everyday lives. Sunday School meets from 10:30-11:30 am during the program year (September – May). We begin in Room 304 (upper level of the CE wing) for an all-ages gathering, then split into grade groups (K-2nd, 3rd-5th) in classrooms for the remainder of our time together.

Special Children’s Activities and Family Events
We celebrate many special events together including an annual Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Camp to prepare the Christmas Pageant for Christmas Eve, Vacation Bible School and more.