Life Stage Groups
You have a place here! We have a diverse church of people in many different stages of life and we want to see you connect with people who get you. Life stage groups meet monthly or quarterly for events that are casual and fun, so you can connect with people who can’t wait to meet you.
To connect with any of these groups please contact Rev. Laura Sherwood.
The Goonies
Couples & Singles | under 35 | kids 7 and younger

Couples & Singles | mid-30s to late 40s | kids 7+
There are many pathways in life as we grow in relationships with each other and God. Pathways at First Presbyterian is a social and service group for both families and individuals. Most of us are in our late 20s and 30s, but all are welcome. Here is a sampling of our monthly activities: Summer BBQ, a day at the race track, fall chili night, Christmas party, making cards for hospitalized church members, potluck dinner, off-site volunteer events, dinner at a local restaurant, and taking part in the First Pres Service Day. Some events are for adults only and some include the kids.
The Second Half
Couples & singles | 55-70 | empty nest

The Bridge
Couples & Singles | 50 to mid-60s | high school+
The Bridge is a small group made up of 50s & 60s +.
The focus of this group is Spiritual, Social, and Service.
Spiritual: Coffee, Grounds for Discussion is a member led Sunday morning study group. We meet on the lower level of the CE Wing during the Christian Education Calendar Year (in non-Covid times).
Social: Events include a Tour of Patios in the summer and an Annual Christmas Party.
Service: The group typically provides a Chili & Baked Potato Dinner for PADS around Valentine’s Day, and also does a Coats on Poles Project in December. This year (2021) The Bridge is sponsoring a church wide project to provide Mother’s Day Gift Bags for WINGS.

Couples & Singles 69+
Couples & singles older than 69
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women (PW) offers growth and friendship through daytime and evening circles to study and grow in faith and community. Circles meet monthly on the third Wednesday during the day, and one meets in the evenings on the third Tuesday of each month. “Gatherings” are held for special programs, and there are many opportunities to support the local and international missions. All women of the church are members, and are welcome anytime.