On Sunday, October 6, World Communion Sunday, we will receive our Peace & Global Witness Offering. This offering draws Presbyterians together and provides education and exposure to siblings in Christ who work for peace every day. Your support of this offering helps encourage our church partners in Ukraine as they struggle against the trauma of war. It helps congregations begin to address the growing mental health crisis and the increase in the number of suicides in their communities. It provides resources for congregations seeking to address issues of gun violence in their communities.

This is why we give generously to the Peace & Global Witness Offering. We give because we know that every level of society needs Christ’s peace. From our congregation, where we retain 25% of this Offering to support local mission and its important role in our community; to the region, where 25% is retained by mid councils to support peacemaking efforts with our neighboring congregations; and to the ends of the Earth, where the remaining 50% is used by the Presbyterian Mission Agency to join the peacemaking efforts of church partners all over the globe. We join these monetary gifts with our prayers for peace and our work for justice.

You are invited to visit the Peace & Global Witness website (pcusa.org/peace-global) to learn how your support of this offering helps peacemaking efforts both in the U.S. and around the world. As a community of faith, we want to deepen our commitment to peacemaking so that it becomes a visible and profound witness to our community. We pray that the God of Peace might open the generosity in your hearts to join with Christians all over the country on World Communion Sunday to give to the Peace & Global Witness Offering.

As Presbyterians, we claim Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace and pattern our lives in the compassion, kindness and grace that he shows us. God is with us. May we joyfully bring that peace to all those we care for, love and serve.