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Church News

Catch up on what’s going on around First Pres by reading through big announcements, our newsletter, called “The Chimes” (published ten times a year) as well as other program information and seasonal brochures.


Help at Family Night

Help at Family Night

Family Night is off to a great start. This year, we could use additional help, with donations of money, food and time. How can you help out Family...

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Save the Date for a Field Trip!

On Sunday, February 26, 11:45 am – 3:00 pm, we'll be taking a field trip to the IllinoisHolocaust Museum to see the Smithsonian Institution...

COMING SOON: Career Planning Course

Wednesday Evening, February 1 - March 15 at 7:00 pm This six-week class covers the most important cornerstones ofyour job search or career journey,...

Blanket Drive

On our cold nights in January and February, it is wonderful to have a warm house and a cozy blanket to wrap yourself in. Not everyone is lucky...

Restaurant Walk

February Restaurant Walk sign-up is now open throughout January! Meals will take place throughout February at Carlos & Carlos in downtown...

Nursery Help Wanted!

Are you in need of a “baby fix”? We are experiencing a “baby boom” in the nursery. The church nursery is in need of additional volunteers, and we...

Share a part of your Christmas Story

In the season of Advent, our sermon series will focus on objects from the Christmas narrative that have particular significance to us as Christians...

Restaurant Walk Signups are Open!

You can sign-up throughout September — Our popular Restaurant Walk is returning! Sign-ups will be open throughout September, with meals taking place...

What Did You Do Over the Summer?

Children's Ministries is sponsoring a church-wide photo collage of "What I Did Over the Summer". We will begin collecting photos of your...

Bon Voyage Pastor Alex!

I can’t believe it! The Sabbatical I planned to take in the summer of 2020 is now a reality in the summer of 2022. Finally, after multiple waves of...

Farewell TC!

Dear First Pres Family, It is with joy and sorrow that I tell you that I have been offered and accepted a position back in my home state of...