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Church News

Catch up on what’s going on around First Pres by reading through big announcements, our newsletter, called “The Chimes” (published ten times a year) as well as other program information and seasonal brochures.


Donate Easter Flowers

Donate Easter Flowers

It is still cold but Easter will be here before we know it. The first sign of spring is the sign up for Easter flowers on March 2 and March 9 in the...

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Book Drive for Bernie’s Book Bank

Sundays, March 2 and 9, Aidan McLeod of Scout Troop 32 will be holding a book collection as part of his Eagle Scout Project. Bernie’s provides new...

God and Service Award

On Sunday, February 2, we celebrated Scout Sunday with Scout Troop 32. As part of the worship service, we recognized member and troop leader, Nick...

Restaurant Walk Returns!

Our popular Restaurant Walk fellowship program returns for another session in March and April. This is a great way to connect with other members of...

Donate College Care Packages

As we continue our journey through this year, the Children’s and Youth Ministries Committee will be sending care packages to support our First Pres...

Thank You for All the Clean-Up Work

We have been busy bees here at First Pres. If you have a chance, go downstairs and see our Kitchen and the PADS area! Thanks to Carolyn Selke, we...

Thank You from refugeeONE!

Dear church family, thank you so much for your generous response in supporting our refugee family. Within a very short time, we were able to collect...

Thank You for All the Clean-Up Work

We have been busy bees here at First Pres. If you have a chance, go downstairs and see our Kitchen and the PADS area! Thanks to Carolyn Selke, we...


Our first quarter bookmarks will go to the support of Dia Nuevo, a Spanish speaking new worshipping community of the Chicago Presbytery in Hanover...

Blanket Drive

On our cold nights in January and February, it is wonderful to have a warm house and a cozy blanket to wrap yourself in. Not everyone is lucky...

Discover the Book of James

February is Black History Month Discover the Book of JamesCongregational Life and Education Committee (CLE) James is a novel by author Percival...

Christopher House Thank You

Thank You for Donating to Help Christopher House! Your donations enabled us to adopt 35 families for the holidays. We also received twenty-seven...

Help at Family Night

Family Night is off to a great start. This year, we could use additional help, with donations of money, food and time. How can you help out Family...


Every year, RefugeeOne serves more than 2,500 refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants of all ages, ethnic groups faiths and backgrounds. Their...

Advent Devotional Available

A Time for Wonder Advent Devotional Move through the cycle of morning, afternoon and evening, looking at four themes of Advent through the eyes of...

Chimes & Publications

Summer Sunday School

This summer, we're thrilled to offer an all-ages Summer Sunday School program from 10:00 to 11:00am, open to any children and youth! Join us for a...