Youth Sunday & Super Bowl of Caring

202509febAll DayYouth Sunday & Super Bowl of Caring

Event Details

Souper Bowl of Caring/Youth Sunday February 9 is an exciting day…and not just because it’s the Super
Bowl! On February 9, First Pres youth will lead the elements of our Sunday morning worship service including liturgy, preaching, and music at both 9:00 and 10:30 am!

Youth are at the heart of our church and we’re excited to have them lead us. As part of the service, youth will also participate in the 34th annual Souper Bowl of Caring. Each year, Souper Bowl of Caring takes place across the nation to encourage neighbors to tackle hunger in their own communities. Please consider donating a few dollars after worship on February 9. Our youth will be at the doors of the Sanctuary and Chapel after worship to greet you and collect for this mission


Sunday, February 9, 2025 12:00 am All Day(GMT-05:00)


First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights - The Sanctuary

302 N. Dunton, Arlington Heights, IL 60004

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