As we continue our journey through this year, the Children’s and Youth Ministries Committee will be sending care packages to support our First Pres college students on their journey. If you’d like to donate treats or other items to include in the packages, we will be collecting items in the Narthex on Sundays, February 9 and February 16, or you can deliver them to the church office by February 19.

Suggested items:

•$5 Starbucks gift cards

•Prepackaged snacks such as: cookies, candy bars, crackers, granola bars


•Packets of hot chocolate or soup

Monetary donations to help cover shipping are also appreciated and can be given online. We are also collecting current mailing addresses for the college students, as well as cell phone and email address.

If you have college students in your family, please send us the info via email to Rev. Rebekah Anderson or Darl Pochert, da**********@ic****.com.