Deacon Ministry Teams
The deacons of First Presbyterian Church work actively in a variety of ways to serve the needs of the congregation. All members and friends of First Presbyterian Church are invited to join in one or more of the deacon ministries. Scroll down to read more about the different ways the deacons serve. Sign up today!
Communion Prep / Cleanup
Help behind the scenes to prepare and/or clean up the elements for Sunday communion. Assist with preparation of the bread/juice and communion table setup for communion Sunday; retrieve and clean up communion vessels after worship.
Choose Your Commitment: Serve between 1 and 10 times per year; approximate time commitment: 1 hour per communion Sunday
Home Ministries
Communion Server: Compassionate members go out in pairs to serve communion to our at home members three times a year (training and materials will be provided). Schedule visits, administer communion, and lend your ear.
Visitor: Warm-hearted individuals go out in pairs to visit at home members three times a year. Schedule visits and engage in conversation.
Approximate Time Commitment: 1 hour per visit
Congregational Care
When members of our congregation are experiencing significant events in their lives, both positive and negative, the Congregational Care Ministry is dedicated to making sure that their needs are being served by members of this community. From prayers, to transportation, to meals, to celebrating important moments in the life of members of our congregation, we are here for every moment that matters.
Choose Your Commitment: 1-2 hours per month (depending on the needs of the congregant)
Card Writers
Make a personal connection with your fellow church members. Write letters/cards to at home members, the card ministry’s area of greatest need. Send an occasional card to a member or a member’s loved one serving in the Armed Services.
Approximate Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month
Lend your gifts of hospitality, tenderness, and mercy to this meaningful Ministry Team. Bake cookies; and/or help serve at receptions; and/or assist with planning, or serving the annual 90+ milestone birthday celebration
Approximate Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per reception
Ready to Volunteer?
2025 Officers
Co-Moderators: Ken Weller and Christine Berry
Class of 2025
Denise Burkholder
Toni Eaton
Sherri Mayhew
Jeri Monroe
Sue Taflinger
Class of 2026
Christine Berry
Cynthia Goldsberry
Barb Martin
Donna Myers
Ken Weller
Class of 2027
Launa Ismail
Jeff Leach
Susan Miniark
Blake Russell
Rosilee Stoike