On our cold nights in January and February, it is wonderful to have a warm house and a cozy blanket to wrap yourself in. Not everyone is lucky enough to have that warmth and comfort. During the months of January and February, PW will be collecting for the Blanket Drive. The goal of Church World Services (CWS) is to build a world where there is enough for all. By providing a donation of $10, CWS can provide a blanket as a vital and powerful resource for someone needing a little support, warmth and encouragement. Please help those facing crisis by donating to the Blanket Drive.

Envelopes can be found in the pew rack and checks may be made out to First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights (indicate Blanket Drive in the memo). You may also donate online (select BLANKET DRIVE on the dropdown menu). Please be generous! Questions? Contact Lois Meisterheim