Our History

First Pres is known for rich and varied worship experiences; excellent Christian education programs for all ages; a dynamic music program that includes an annual concert series; and extensive mission outreach and community service. No matter your faith tradition or family origin, First Pres works hard to be welcoming to all people who enter our doors. Since 1855, our desire has been to build strong relationships, grow in our faith and serve all people.
As we look to the future, we are always imagining new and creative ways to bring the message of God’s love to those outside the church walls. Whether through unique sermons, innovative outreach or out-of-the-box thinking, we are always discerning God’s new direction for our community. We hope God is calling you to be a part of the future of First Pres.

First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights has been a source of spiritual development and strength for thousands of people over the years. Founded in 1855, when the pioneer town was known as Dunton, the church started with two dozen members. Membership has gone up and down over the years, and is currently at approximately 1,000 active members, with a weekly worship attendance of 350 to 400.
The church building itself began with the original white frame building completed in 1856. A replacement brick structure, now the chapel, was dedicated on the same site in 1912. The sanctuary was dedicated in 1953, followed by the Christian education building in 1961. The parish center was built in 1995, and added a parlor, library, music practice space, offices, and a welcoming foyer.