We will begin in-person worship in the Sanctuary on Sunday, May 23, at 10:30 a.m. We are limiting capacity to 150 people. You will be asked to sign-up one Sunday at a time. Please sign-up for each individual in your family or group that will be attending. If we are consistently exceeding 150 people, we will begin a second worship service. If you get to the sign-up and there are no spaces left, please call the church office (M-Th 9:00am – 4:00 pm) and let us know so we can keep a waiting list. There will not be any nursery or children’s programming in the building on Sunday mornings. Masks will continue to be mandatory while inside the building. We will continue to follow CDC and IDPH COVID guidelines. Please call or e-mail Judy Hockenberry (847-255-5900) if you have any questions or concerns.